The internet SEO methods and procedures are very varied and hence very notable to take into account in terms of efficiency and reliability. For this reason, it is the choice of each marketer in particular whether he or she opts for some methods or others, like in the case of the web directories for example.
In the case of the web directories, there are web marketers who make use of these internet SEO tools but at the same time there are numerous marketers who prefer not to utilize these alternatives, while opting for other tools in exchange, like regular forum or blog posting, one way links and other manners of promoting websites online.
The analytic informations acquired the first time when a marketers conducts the preliminary research have the role of helping the find the most reliable solutions for promoting and maintaining the websites at a popular level online. Many times the analytic informations are backed up by the analytic technic which together create the efficiency and the reliability of the promotion factors.
For the above mentioned reasons and for the fact that the analytic technic is different in the case of each marketer in particular, the web directories may or may not provide results in various situations of web popularization and optimization.