Internet Marketing on Social networks
Essential for setting up a comprehensive web marketing strategy, online social networks have become over time very popular media means due to the high traffic generated by Internet users who have to meet certain rules when using this communication means. Nowadays Facebook, Twitter and other social networks enable companies to federate groups of users and prospects sharing the same activity, in order to enhance the company’s image, popularize its name or services and lead to its commercial development. New specific applications have been created…
In terms of SEO, your activity on social networks will also allow a better visibility of your site on search engines, which enjoy the high notoriety of these social networks and the information available there.
In order to develop your brand image and your business, Adamaco takes care of your marketing campaign on social networks and offers you:
– Creation of accounts and activity spaces on the selected social networks
– Integration of these spaces within your main website
– Advice on the suitable editorial strategy
– « buzz » generation for your business